Contraception & Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases
If you are sexually active, it’s really important to have a think about contraception options and protecting yourself from STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).
Condoms are an effective way of covering both those issues – they are an effective contraception and will protect against most STIs (but not Herpes).
There are other types of hormonal contraception available to women.
A great website to look through is

Screening for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
If you are sexually active, it’s also really important to have a think about protecting yourself from STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).
If you would like to talk through screening for STIs there are a few options:
- The Sexual Health Clinic – based within the grounds of Macclesfield Hospital, they can help with contraception and STI screening.

You have the right to say no, at any point, regardless of who you are with.
The ‘Health for Teens’ website has loads of information on contraception, STIs, and also a really useful page on deciding whether you are ready for sex:

Unwanted Pregnancy
If you or a friend happen to fall pregnant, we want to you to know that there is confidential help available if you would like to discuss your options.
The National Unplanned Pregnancy Advice Service (NUPAS) offers free and supportive advice 7 days a week. They can help you understand what options there are available to you, including a termination. They are also able to offer pregnancy testing, STI testing and contraception.