Up to a third of GP consultations are thought to be related to musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, such as injuries or arthritis. This can be an acute injury such as sprained knee or an ongoing pain which our patients need help with, such as chronic lower back pain or osteoarthritis.
Many injuries and acute pains can take 3-6 weeks to settle so it is often reasonable to wait prior to requesting an appointment. If you have any doubt you can discuss with us on PATCHS.
In Middlewood we are very lucky to have MSK Practitioners as part of our team. They are registered physiotherapists, specialists in restoring movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Our MSK practitioners can act as your first point of contact when you need additional support. You can also refer yourself directly for a course of Physiotherapy by using the link below.
We are delighted to provide a service which includes both diagnosis, access to physiotherapy, joint injection and access to diagnostics test to help you the very best way we can.
Eastern Cheshire Physio Referral
You can refer yourself to a physio in Eastern Cheshire without seeing a GP. You can complete the self-referral form in the link below. You may want to have a look at the self help exercise videos below too.
East Cheshire Physiotherapy self-help
Our local physiotherapists have created a range of free self-help physiotherapy exercise videos to help you better manage your condition.
Please click on the sections below to access to videos and information.
Click for advice on pain in different sites
ESCAPE-pain for hip and/or knee pains
If you are suffering with hip and/or knee pains, have you thought about taking part in a 12 week rehabilitiation programme? This is an evidence-based programme for people over the age of 45yrs who have suffered with pain in their hip or knee for more than 3 months. It is a personalised programme aimed at improving pain, independence and confidence. For more information visit

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists’ website has lots of useful information on MSK problems including videos of how to do exercises.

Living with pain
It can be daunting trying to find a new job, or continue in your current job, if you are suffering with joint pains. However, there are lots of options for people living with chronic pain or disabilities, and this website is full of advice for thriving, as opposed to just surviving.