Using the NHS App to order your repeat prescriptions is quicker, easier and safer, so if you haven’t already downloaded it – then why not go to the App Store or Google Play and do so right away? If you look after a relative, could you help them too?
You can also order repeat prescriptions from a laptop or PC by accessing your NHS account.
- your prescription requests go direct to the Middlewood Prescribing Team, leading to a more streamlined process
- your medication details are held within your NHS account so you don’t need to type in your medications
- your NHS account is accessible on smart phones via the NHS App or on laptops/PCs
- your medication details are already completed within the NHS App so there’s less chance of transcribing errors
- reduced chance of other clinical issues being missed or responses delayed
- your prescription requests go straight to the Middlewood Prescribing Team so less chance of medication delays
- reduced processing time by the prescribing team for each repeat prescription will result in the potential to free up capacity to spend on prescription and medication queries
Find out more about downloading the NHS App or accessing your NHS Account via the NHS website on our NHS App pages.