Combating Loneliness

Looking after your mental health over the holidays

Feelings of loneliness are individual and can vary from person to person. Some people describe loneliness as the feeling that arises when our need for social contact through relationships is not met. For others, feelings of loneliness can come despite being surrounded by people, feeling isolated by as they struggle to connect.

Sometimes it’s a life event that causes people to feel lonely, such as a bereavement, relationship break up, retirement, changing jobs or university, experiencing mental health problems, becoming a parent, moving to new area, or the holiday period.


Ways of combating loneliness

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Team (MHWT) at The Middlewood Partnership can support patients in the community and help them access various services who can reduce loneliness and help improve health and wellbeing.

Additionally, the team can help combat feelings of loneliness by supporting patients with:

  • Discussions with loved ones, and regular chats with friends and family
  • Planning time to access new activities and experiences
  • Joining new groups in the area to make new connections
  • Connecting with others or volunteer to help

Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, another holiday, or none, The Mental Health Foundation have offered helpful advice and tips for dealing with loneliness in the festive holidays.


Links to services to help combat loneliness

Below is a list of services who can help if you’re experiencing feelings of loneliness:

  • Community Links Cheshire East – CommunityLinks offers outreach services and a range of community activities across towns within Cheshire East.
  • Buddy and Befriending – Changing Lives Together aim to help people across Cheshire living with loneliness or isolation by giving them an opportunity to talk.
  • Befriending services | Age UK – Age UK try to combat loneliness in later life through our telephone and face-to-face friendship services.
  • The Silver Line Helpline – Run by Age UK, this is a free, confidential telephone service for older people who provide friendship, conversation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • British Red Cross – The Red Cross provides local support services, workshops and resources to help you deal with and overcome loneliness.
  • Samaritans – Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They’re there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • MHA Communities Cheshire East | Social Groups For Older People – For people searching for social groups and activities in their local community.
  • Re-engage: the charity reducing loneliness in later life – Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing.
  • HerSpace – a Space for women to socialise, make friends & be part of a community.


Disley Based Organisations to combat loneliness and opportunities to meet others:

  • Disley Warm Places – twice a month on Wednesdays at noon at Disley Community Centre, come along for soup and a roll.
  • Disley Friends Social Group – second Friday of the month 1:30pm – 3:30pm in the Community Centre, make new friends, enjoy a variety of musical contributions, quizzes, bingo and much more.
  • Cuppa and Chat – every Wednesday 10am – noon at Disley Community Centre
  • Thursdays Together – meet every Thursday afternoon between 2pm – 4pm in Disley Baptist Church, enjoy getting to know people over a cuppa (tea or coffee) and a cake.

There are also lots of other activities and organisations to explore on Clubs and Societies – Disley Parish Council.