GP Collective Action – Update from the Middlewood Partners

You may have read in the press about the recent British Medical Association (BMA) GP ballot, in which 98.3% of GPs balloted nationally voted to take collective action in protest at the real term reductions in GP funding. The Middlewood Partners support the BMAs position in relation to this. We have previously shared with you our thoughts on the crisis in General Practice, which is characterised by a huge increase in demand in tandem with ever decreasing funding. This state of affairs is unsustainable and puts into doubt the very future of the family GP practice.

Our priority, as ever, is to provide safe, effective, and timely services to you, our patients.

The first thing we would like to clarify is that whatever action is taken, either nationally or locally, your GP Practice will remain open and will continue to provide the same services we have always done without compromising our commitment to putting patients at the forefront of everything we do.

We are considering very carefully our position on taking part in the collective action and passionately believe that the very future of General Practice is at stake unless funding is increased. Our commitment to you, our patients, is that whatever action we take, it will be done with your best interests at heart both now and in the future, and we will make every effort to ensure that your direct care is not compromised.

We will update date you again in due course, and we will be clear and transparent about what actions we might take in response to the call for collective action and how, if at all, they will impact you.

The Middlewood Partners