Musculoskeletal Self Help

Up to a third of GP consultations are thought to be related to musculoskeletal problems.  Reasons for consultations can vary from injuries to arthritis.

Many musculoskeletal problems can be managed yourself but having the confidence to know when to wait and when to consult can be tricky.

Many injuries and acute pains can take 3-6 weeks to settle so it is often reasonable to wait prior to consulting.  If you have any doubt you can discuss with us via PATCHS.

Below are a couple of websites with information about specific conditions as well options for treatment including exercises which you can do at home.

Remember you can refer yourself to physio in Eastern Cheshire without needing to see a GP – just fill in the form below.  Its free and high quality.

Versus Arthritis

Not just for arthritis! Lots of helpful information including exercises

Visit Site

Eastern Cheshire Physio Referral

You can refer yourself to a physio in Eastern Cheshire without seeing a GP

Self Refer

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

Lots of useful information on MSK problems including videos of how to do exercises

Visit Site