Medical Record Queries

Thank you for your query regarding your GP medical notes. 

The ‘Problem’ list you can now see is compiled from multiple sources of data:

  • Records from previous GP surgeries (if you have been registered elsewhere in the past)
  • Hospital or other third party letters / reports
  • Entries from your current surgery (Middlewood)

The data you can see was deemed to be factually correct at the time it was recorded in the system.  However, you may perceive there to be discrepancies in the timeline or diagnoses entered.  Unless you believe the information to be factually incorrect, we are not at liberty to change the data.

If you believe there is an incorrect problem listed then please complete the form via the link below and we will investigate this for you.  Please allow 120 working days for a review of your records.

Further information about access to your medical record can be found here.